Friday, June 4, 2010

James' computer

My oldest brother, James, had the most awesome computer of ever.  It was a TRS-80.  It was basically a really big keyboard that plugged into a little black and white TV that sat in our kitchen.  It came with a book full of code and you had to type it all in to get a program to work.  Mom tells me (and James confirmed) that you could record the code onto a cassette tape so that you didn't have to type it every time, but I don't remember that.  I just remember sitting in front of the computer, carefully typing in 20 some-odd pages of code so that I could play Pong.  I finished, feeling so proud of myself, only to have it tell me that I made mistakes.  Luckily it told me what page the mistakes were on, but I still remember carefully dissecting the code to find my mistakes, correct them, then move onto the next one.  I spent hours typing and correcting my code, just to play a game or two of Pong.

Thank goodness for much more advanced computers today.  :)

James tells me that I was too young to have remembered that computer.  Apparently my memory is better than he gave it credit for.  Hah!

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